To apply for direct cash aid from the Association, please print off one copy of PAGE 1 and as many copies of PAGE 2 as you require for your group.
When completed these can be sent to the Treasurer at :-

E.A.S. Liddle
38 Lennox Gardens
EH49 7QA

You can expect an acknowledgement within a couple of weeks, but a decision may need to wait for a full meeting of the Twinning Association. If there is a genuine reason for urgency, please feel free to send a covering email via the webmaster (see Contacts page).

PAGE 1 Financial assistance form 1

To print this form :-
right click on the form;
choose Save Picture As...;
save the form in a directory of your choice;
print that file.

PAGE 2 Financial assistance form 2

To print this form :-
right click on the form;
choose Save Picture As...;
save the form in a directory of your choice;
print that file.